Our natural inclination may be to compartmentalize our lives: Sundays are for church and God; the rest of the week is for work. However, the mystery of holy water—the sanctification of the most basic element of human life—teaches us that our entire lives can be sanctified...
It’s that time of year, again, when we reflect on our professional successes and lessons learned and prepare for a fresh start in the new year. Similarly, we are provided an opportunity to ponder as we prepare for the Feast of the Nativity.
On election night 2024, my perspective changed. On election night, I was reminded of what matters most. I was reminded, once again, of why I am a Christian...
Many Americans believe we are upon one of the most momentous elections in the history of our nation, with strong views on both sides of the political spectrum. Each side thinks the other is going to cause the downfall of democracy...
"If, as an attorney or technician within the fields of law or administration in modern society, an Orthodox Christian does not transmit the Orthodox vision, he will then himself be assimilated to the very mentality he is called upon to change. . ."
- Address by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljevic), OCAN Gathering, Oct. 27, 2017
In the Orthodox Church, we’re often tempted to think that only clergy do “work” for the Lord. But this is not only false, it’s a shirking of our duties as Christians to serve the Lord in all that we do.
A well-meaning volunteer finds a photo of happy volunteers on the web to accompany the priest’s article on service to others. The article is posted on the church website to edify the faithful. Three years later, the church receives a cease and desist letter from the law firm of Soo & Kollect demanding $1,500 for copyright infringement for use of the photo. Sound outrageous? Yes, but unfortunately this scenario is all too common today, including among Orthodox churches. What can churches do to protect themselves?
As Orthodox Christians, names mean something to us. As attorneys, definitions matter. What about our name, “Orthodox Christian Attorneys Network”? What do each of the words mean and how do they relate to each other? What do they reveal about who we are?
It’s summer and our social calendars have exploded with activity. Our caseload remains high and the occasional emergency appears to be occurring every week. The one constant thread, our Orthodox faith, remains steady. However, the frequency of the clashing demands for our time seems to be increasing.
As Orthodox Christians, we have an opportunity to integrate our faith, our family life and our professional work, as well as our volunteer work, in fostering spiritual growth and witness . . .
The legal career is not exactly the most conducive to a life of prayer, reflection, and holiness. The billable hour can be tyrannical. Interacting with opposing counsel can be combative and anxiety-inducing. The track to partnership can be a rat race. And the law firm culture is, as they say, a jealous mistress. . .
The Orthodox Canon Law Society of North America (OCLS) welcomes OCAN attorneys to attend and present at their 2024 conference on October 18–19, 2024 at Holy Cross School of Theology. OCLS especially welcomes presentations from attorneys on topics involving civil law and its impact on the Church.
The Orthodox Christian Attorney Network (OCAN) is pleased to announce its establishment as a formal nonprofit corporation, marking a significant milestone in its journey to minister to Orthodox attorneys and serve the Orthodox Church at large.